Monday, March 14, 2016

2015 Recap

Keller GC is a busy place and 2015 was no exception. In addition to 32,000 golfing rounds, a variety of visitors descended upon the property to learn about our environmental programming. I know some of you reading this have witnessed a long string of golf cars traversing about the course and wondered, "what's going on?" Below are a few of the groups that visited.

The "2015 Clean Water Tour" was organized by the Ramsey Conservation District (RCD). This tour included RCD staff, state legislators, county commissioners and other agency officials. This stop was the shoreline restoration on the 15th hole.

This large tour of 50 participants was the "Exceptional LEAP Tour" (Landscape Ecology Awards Program) organized by the Ramsey Washington Metro Watershed District. Most participants were Ramsey County residents with more than a few Master Gardeners thrown in for good measure. It was by far and away our most popular and well-received tour to date.
Bill Bartodjiez and Simba Blood of the RWMWD speaking to the LEAP tour.
Last fall we hosted a biodiversity class from the University of Minnesota.

One of our resident red-tail hawks on the lookout for dinner. Our 26 acres of restored habitat on the property are home to a HUGE population of rodents. This would explain the increased raptor traffic we have witnessed in the past year.

The underside of a piece of sod from the edge of a fairway. Note the white healthy roots emerging from that aerification hole in the soil. Oxygen is the key to healthy roots and healthy turfgrass. Ongoing aerification is full speed ahead in 2016.